What is Brainspotting?
Discovered by psychoanalyst and EMDR educator, David Grand in 2003, Brainspotting is a laser focused trauma therapy, that provides direct access to the root cause of any trauma, issue or block at the precise spot where it is located within the brain.
Our eye positioning when we are recalling difficult or traumatic moments, feelings or events gives us a window to the precise location in the brain where that experience is held. By holding our gaze on that point, the brain is stimulated to begin resolving that issue all the way to its source.
Together with the support of the therapeutic relationship, Brainspotting allows the trauma to heal itself.
With Brainspotting, ‘we are working with the most powerful, profound, self-healing mechanism which is the brain itself’ David Grand.
Who is it for?
Brainspotting can be used on everyone, including children to resolve an enormous array of conditions in a direct and efficient way. It can be taken as a standalone therapy, as part of another treatment, such as Mindfulness & Somatic Healing or combined with a Reiki session to deepen healing and integration.
‘A therapist who learns Brainspotting will be able to help the person’s brain and nervous system to find where the problem is, to focus on it and hold it in place until it resolves itself.’ David Grand.
How many sessions will I need?
Brainspotting is fast acting therapy that can reduce healing time significantly when compared to talk therapy. It has been said that with Brainspotting, what may have taken years to resolve may take months, what may have taken months to resolve may take weeks.
While I offer single sessions, I typically offer Brainspotting over the course of three to six sessions.
You may choose to combine these sessions with Mindfulness & Somatic Healing, Reiki, or have them as pure Brainspotting sessions.
‘The brain is wired for healing’ David Grand.
Need more info?
To find out more about Brainspotting and how it can work for you, I offer a free consultation for those interested in taking a course of Brainspotting sessions. Get in touch to book by using the button below.
Watch the Brainspotting video below where founder David Grand explains what Brainspotting is and how it works for a number of different issues.
00:00 What is Brainspotting?
01:02 What is a Brainspot?
01:31 How did you discover Brainspotting?
03:08 Why do you use Brainspotting?
03:50 Is there anyone you would not use Brainspotting with?
04:20 How is Brainspotting different than EMDR?
05:53 Is Brainspotting like hypnosis?
07:13 How did you come up with Brainspotting?
08:40 How long does it take to become effective?
Ready to Book?
Go ahead and choose your session or session bundle by clicking the button below.
Still have questions?
Request a free consultation to find out more about how Brainspotting can work for you. Click the button below to get in touch.
10:25 Are there any side effects from Brainspotting?
11:14 How is Brainspotting different from conventional sports psychology?
12:46 Can you use Braisnpotting with a team?
13:43 How does Brainspotting work with the performing arts?
15:27 How does Brainspotting work with attachment and dissociation?
19:13 How does Brainspotting work with pain and medical problems?
22:29 Why would a therapist want to learn about Brainspotting?